Monday 10 April 2017

Best Natural Products For To Cure Irregular Periods

Oligomenorrhea, the medical term for irregular periods, occurs to the majority of the womenfolk these days. The irregular frequency of periods that takes more than the stipulated time (21-35 days) can cause discomfort in an individual. The suffering individuals experience 6-7 periods every year. There are many factors that can cause irregular periods. Improper lifestyle choices and certain diseases may be the reasons behind this problem. By using natural products for irregular periods, a woman can get rid of the
A woman suffering from thyroid disorders, liver disease, hormonal imbalance, irritable bowel syndrome, anemia, etc can suffer from irregular periods. In fact, alcoholism, smoking, substance abuse, significant weight gain or loss, and uterine abnormalities can be the reason behind the problem too.

Natural Ways To Tackle Irregular Periods

The list of natural products for irregular periods that can immensely help to cure the problem is mentioned below.


Freshly cut ginger is a good remedy for the problem. Prepare a hot decoction of grated ginger. A cup of the preparation can be consumed three times every day after each meal. You can add sugar in it as per your choice. Regular consumption of this home-made decoction will promote menstruation.


A glass of warm milk with a half teaspoon of freshly prepared cinnamon powder will promote regular menstruation and help to maintain proper insulin level. In fact, research suggests that cinnamon extract can reduce the probability of polycystic ovarian syndrome. Cinnamon can be consumed with tea also.

Unripe Papaya

Green papaya can also promote the process of menstruation as the active ingredients in it help in contracting the uterine muscles naturally. Green papaya juice, when consumed regularly for few months, is very helpful to fight irregular periods.


Turmeric has good emmenagogue effect on those who are suffering from the menstrual irregularities. 1/4th teaspoon of freshly prepared turmeric powder when consumed with warm milk, jiggery or honey regularly, the menstrual cycle is initiated at regular intervals. In fact, the preparation can give relief from the menstrual cramps, pain, and inflammation.

Aloe Vera

The freshly extracted aloe vera gel can fight with the symptoms of the irregular periods. Add the extract with ample amount of honey and consume the preparation in the early morning. The active ingredients in the aloe vera gel help to regulate the hormonal levels in the body. It is recommended to avoid the extract when the periods are going on.


A decoction of fennel can be prepared by soaking two tablespoons of the seeds in a cup of water. The decoction should be consumed in the morning. It will regulate the intervals between the periods until it becomes normal.


The above list of natural products for irregular periods will aid in regulating the intervals between the menstrual cycles. These natural products impart no harm to the individual.

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