Saturday 4 March 2017

Don’t hide your menstrual problems – Kick away the taboos with help

Today’s lifestyle has introduced almost every woman to menstrual problems. Some experience heavy or clotted flow while some experience scanty menstrual flow. The scanty period is called Hypomenorrhea and the irregular period is called Oligomenorrhea. But these problems can be taken care of without medications. There are natural products for abnormal menstrual cycle.

Natural products for treating menstrual troubles:

The menstrual problems like scanty menstrual flow occur because of imbalance diet. So, they can be treated by natural home remedies. Below are a few natural products that can prove to be helpful in treating Hypomenorrhea and Oligomenorrhea.

Calendula Herbal Tea

Calendula herb is very helpful in treating the scanty menstrual flow and is among the best natural products for abnormal menstrual cycle. It is also helpful in reducing the menstrual pain. Use the head or the leaves of calendula for making the herbal tea and drink half cup three times a day.


Ginger is one of the best natural herbs for treating menstrual problem. Wash fresh ginger, peel or cut in thin slices and boil them in one cup of water. Turn of the heat and let it sleep for about ten minutes. Strain and add a dash of lime juice. You can also add honey. Drink twice every day; you will feel the difference soon.

Unripe Papaya

Unripe Papaya is very good for scanty menstrual flow caused due to stress or tension. Eating 200 grams of unripe papaya can help in contraction of walls of uterus helping in retaining the normal menstrual flow.


Parsley tea is one among the most effective natural products for abnormal menstrual cycle. For making the parsley tea, put some parsley leaves in the boiled water and let it sit for twenty to thirty minutes, strain and drink twice a day. You can also take parsley juice infusion with beetroot juice.

Sesame Seeds

Starting two days before your period dates, consume half teaspoon sesame seed with a cup of lukewarm water two to three times a day for having a normal menstrual flow.

Carrot Juice

Drinking a glass of carrot juice regularly for thirty days have proven to give good results in the scanty periods. Carrot Juice works like magic. Just blend a few carrots together with a little water, strain and drink.


Cinnamon has a warming effect on the body and it contains hydroxychalcone which is known to regulate insulin level and effects menstrual regularity. You can add a little cinnamon to your milk, make cinnamon tea, sprinkle it over your food or just chew the sticks. Anything will help.

Get rid of your menstrual problems in a jiffy

Apart from these, Aloe Vera, turmeric, Zinc rich food, Omega 3 fatty acids rich food helps in keeping the menstrual flow regular and making the periods pain free. With proper exercises and a stress-free environment, women can regulate the functioning of their body organs. Exercising can assist in toning up the muscles. A stress-free environment in particular can put menstrual problems at an end.

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