Saturday 4 March 2017

Causes and symptoms of male sexual dysfunction

Male sexual dysfunction is a physiological or physical problem which creates issues and prevents you and your partner in getting sexual satisfaction. It is a common health issue amongst many couples and men of all ages are affected from this kind of problem. However, it is way more common with increasing age. There are useful treatments which can help a lot of men who are suffering from such sexual dysfunction. All you will have to do is consult with your doctor first and do a thorough research on this disease.

The prime types of male sexual dysfunction are as follows:
  • The main kind is the difficulty in keeping an erection which is commonly called erectile dysfunction.
  • Then there is premature ejaculation which means reaching the orgasm too quickly.
  • Again, there kinds like inhibited or delayed ejaculation, where you reach the orgasm very slowly or may be not have one.
  • Then the reduction in interest of having sex which is commonly called the low libido.
What are the factors that cause sexual dysfunction?

There are various physical causes which triggers the sexual dysfunction and they are as follows:
  • Drugs given in prescription for high blood pressure or the antidepressants.
  • The low levels of testosterone.
  • Atherosclerosis which is basically the disorder in blood vessels. The arteries get hardened and also high blood pressure.
  • Nerve damage from any surgery or from diabetes.
  • Smoking is a prime reason for such disease.
  • Drug abuse or alcohol abuse
The various physiological reasons for which sexual dysfunction can happen are as follows:
  • Relationship or marital problems.
  • Guilt feeling or depression.
  • The effects of past sexual trauma if any.
  • The concern associated with sexual performance.
How does such sexual dysfunction affect the condition of men?

This is the most common problem which most men face that is male sexual dysfunction and associated troubles of the disease are troubles with ejaculation, then getting or even keeping an erection and also the reduction in the level of sexual desire.

How is this disease treated?

After you experience any of such symptoms then the first and the foremost thing you should do is consult with your doctor and settle the issue and find out the remedies you can get for it. Then you will have to figure out your lifestyle and how to keep yourself healthy. These are some of the prime remedies that you can do for yourself. When you consult with your doctor you will have to truthful about everything you are experiencing and only then you can find a solution to this problem. It is a very common topic to most men and there are proper treatments available as well.

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